My ArtMaking as Playful Prayer class officially ended today - we're going to get together one more time, but our official classes are over. It was really a pleasure spending six weeks making art with Maggie, Diane, and Robyn, and I'm wanting to share some of what my awesome students made . . . starting with these wonderful icon shadowbox shrines.

We started with iconic divine imagery, and then made it our own with gesso, sharpie markers, and paint. The one featuring the delightful juxtaposition of Aphrodite and the Virgin Mary above is Maggie's. Maggie's the one who got me hooked on Jacquard Lumiere paints, and she does a great job of using their Hi-Lite interferance paints here, though the photo doesn't do it justice.

We started with iconic divine imagery, and then made it our own with gesso, sharpie markers, and paint. The one featuring the delightful juxtaposition of Aphrodite and the Virgin Mary above is Maggie's. Maggie's the one who got me hooked on Jacquard Lumiere paints, and she does a great job of using their Hi-Lite interferance paints here, though the photo doesn't do it justice.

This lovely sewing saint is Diane's - the tiny spools of thread are such a lovely touch, and she did a great job using the scrapbooking paper to define the space inside the box.

This contemplative beaded Buddha is Robyn's, and I love the way the beads create a veil while emphasizing the depth of the box and layers of the Buddha's halo. It really makes you want to look in, doesn't it?
I'll share some more of the projects we worked on later this week . . .
I'll share some more of the projects we worked on later this week . . .
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