Sunday, August 30, 2009

Wanna Trade?

I just sent off a batch of nine Artist's Trading Cards for an ATC show at the Richmond Art Gallery in British Columbia. Like the nine you see above, they were all done by collaging prints I made with heat moldable foam stamps. (Check out the tutorial here!)

I've got a ton of these ATC's, and I'm finally ready to send them out into the world! If you have some original ATC's, and are up for a trade, drop one in the mail to me at PO Box 4076, Portland, OR, 97208, and I'll send you one back (as long as you include your address, that is!).

And . . . if you're not sure what an ATC is, check out what Wikipedia has to say on the topic.


  1. When you talk about artist trading cards, I always think about a set of cards for 100 great artists that you can get 7 at a time with a stick of gum, with a famous painting on the glossy side and the artist's biographical information on the back side. Your version's cool, but mine would be too!

  2. Yay, I'm popping one in the mail - hope you still have some to trade!

