Saturday, January 3, 2009

And One Geek to Rule Them All!

They put him in a Spock outfit here, bu he really does look a lot like Tuvak from Star Trek Voyager, doesn't he? Of course, to keep with the title of the post, I suppose I really should show him in Frodo outfit, but, oh well, I guess I'm just mixing my geek metaphors . . .

Recently, on, blogger GeekDad declared Barack Obama the First Geek President. A brilliant follow-up AP article appeared on - I love some of the quotes in this one, and it's where I grabbed the photo from! Yup, our pres-to-be is a Star Trek fan, loves Spiderman, can talk tech, and gave Leonard Nimoy the live-long-and-prosper sign.

2009: Year of the Geek

1 comment:

  1. Ha!!! I have to show that to my daughter, she'll flip...
