Here's the drift in my backyard. It has made exiting through the rear sliding glass doors almost impossible. Darren, however, did make it up the drift to refill the bird feeders.
Which I must say is very good for this guy! I love how when it gets cold, the birds all fluff up their under feathers. It makes them look so sweet and round . . . like Japanese brush drawings.
I was beginning to get a bit of cabin fever, but then I remembered . . . I have snowshoes! Darren got a few shots of me frolicking in the front yard before we trekked down to the grocery store.
And here's the front yard this morning. As pristine as if I'd never walked on it at all! The snow just doesn't seem to be going away . . .
You have snowshoes? You have SNOWSHOES! I know people from Minnesota, even Canada, who don't have them!
ReplyDeleteyeah, where did the snowshoes come from? at least you live in a relatively flat area and close to safeway. :)
ReplyDeleteI really wanted to use my snowshoes today but we got this crazy ice storm. But it was kind of fun to "skate" with my new winter boots on sidewalks.
ReplyDeleteI love the little birdy nestled in the tree! And very cool that you could trapse around the city in your snowshoes.