Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Geekery and Knitting and Crochet

I think I've made it pretty clear that I'm a big geek. The Sweetie and are in the process of watching all the X-Files episodes, season by season, start to finish. So, it is no surprise that I'm a big fan of Joss Whedon, the guy who's behind Buffy the Vampire Slayer (yes, I own the entire series), Firefly, and now, Dr. Horrible's Sing-A-Long Blog. And all my fellow crafty geeks are well aware that the knitted hat (complete with pom-pom and earflaps) that Jayne recieved from his mother in the Firefly episode "The Message" may well be the most re-crafted geek knitwear item on the interwebs - and here's a pattern and blog post to prove it. (Of course, in terms of longevity - as opposed to current popularity - we must give props to Dr. Who's scarf - it even has its own website).

So, you can imagine how delighted I was to see this interview with Joss (via Craftzine) in which he not only proposes that Underworld was originally about the epic knit vs. crochet battle, but that it was abandoned to tell the less controversial tale of the vampire vs. werewolf conflict, he also offers up some very compelling advice:

"So I think that ultimately, my advice is what my advice always is: Make stuff." - Joss Whedon, in an interview on CrochetMe.
Read the whole interview for more geeky goodness.

And if you're really wondering if knitting is as dangerous as, say, vampires, werewolves, or international terrorists, be sure to check out this video from the Colbert Report - which I found via Extreme Craft. (I've tried to embed the video and it didn't work yet, so just click on one of the links to see the video).


  1. OMG. I love it. Crafty geekery and Joss Whedon. I would be tempted to take up crochet and/or knitting (i'm no craftist) if it were not for the fact that this hand sewn stuffed Robot is KICKING MY 'BOT!

  2. yay! thanks for the link to the interview, bridget! i love when he says "finally! these people will ask me something different." :)
