Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Coming up on the New Year . . .

I wrote in the newsletter that I sent out yesterday that fall feels like the New Year to me - it's when I get all fired up again about projects, when I make resolutions, and dive into my to-do list with new vigor. Heck, even getting the newsletter out was a big deal. I just switched from using my web host's newsletter tool over at 1&1, which was great, to Constant Contact, which has a few more bells and whistles. Even though it's template-based, there's still a learning curve. But I got the newsletter out last night (only ten days later than my goal date!) and it looks pretty good.

It's part of my preparation for what's going to be happening shortly after the beginning of the "real" new year - I'm doing one more gig for "the other side of my brain" in January and then I'm switching to art-making and teaching full time. Scare-y, but I've been moving towards this for a while, and I've been very inspired by my friends Linda and Judy. I've got plans in the works to give the website an overhaul, to finish the book for ArtMaking as Playful Prayer, and even to open an Etsy shop.

(and in the spirit of making and sharing art, here's a little eye candy - a drawer shrine I made using an old photo of me and images of my creative passions):

Of course, I'm not always so keen on the follow-through. I'm great at planning and coming up with oodles of ideas - not always so good at implementing them. I have to say, though, that my success rate has drastically improved since I finished grad school - I understand my own creative process a lot better, and I've developed some strategies to compensate for my weaknesses. I am much better at making things happen than I used to be!

And I'm going to be sharing what I've learned - if you're local, I'm going to be leading a workshop on "Creative Entrepreneurship" at the CubeSpace "Side Project to Startup" conference. I'll share what I know about the creative process, the blocks that entrepreneurs hit from conception through development to actualization, and provide some tips for moving through those blocks. And, my guess is, you'll get as much from your fellow attendees as you will from me! The goal of the conference is to serve as kind of an autumn kick-start, back-to-school, back-to-work, dive in and make it happen inspiration event with lots of networking. And it's free.

Free is pretty inspiring, eh?

1 comment:

  1. Bridget, such a cool drawer shrine! I love the crayons. And very happy to hear that you'll be teaching more often and full-time.
