Tuesday, July 29, 2008

A few more touch drawings . . .

Sweet moon faces . . .

And a nest - drawn by moving the paper from one color of inked surface to another until all the color is applied . . .

And here a hand - I layered tissue paper, text, and pastel highlights to create this composition.


  1. oh, they're all lovely, but i am especially attracted to that last one!

  2. Very nice! I like the first and last ones best.

  3. I love the hand with the spiral!

    "The effect of a fine person is felt after you have left their presence." ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

    It was so great meeting you at Art Unraveled. When I think about these last few days, learning from you is definitely a huge part of what I loved the most.

  4. i love the moon faces!! touch drawing sounds like so much fun and what a wonderful sounding retreat!

  5. Just found your nice blog! Will be checking back often from now on!


  6. Thanks for stopping by! It prompted me to come back and visit your blog, and reminded me that I love every post you make! Such great and inspiring stuff. Wow, what high expectations to live up to, though... I am going to try hard to not like one of your posts so that there is not so much anticipation. ;)

    I am in outer SE too, just a few blocks from Gretchin. We need to have a meetup sometime.
    :) melanie
