Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Shadowbox: Trophy Wife in Progress

At a second-hand shop, I found this image of a young woman in a white dress, holding a piece of paper. It looked to me like a woman in a wedding dress, displaying her marriage certificate. There's no way to verify this story I made up about the image, but I decided to just use it as launchpad for this piece . . .

Here's the piece in process - with "Trophy Wife" as the working title. The old trophy part just seemed to fit . . . and the layers of possible meaning began to build.

And here it is closer to being done. I'm still adding more milagros and charms along the sides . . . and I'm thinking the title is closer to "Negotiation."


  1. I love this piece so far! The tin frame in the back is perfect, and the strings and scissors are beautiful. Thanks for sharing this - hope to get to see it in person!

  2. It's lovely! I like the restrained palette -- blue, silver, grey, white...

  3. oh, my, yes. it almost sings.

  4. This is beautiful so far - I love the colors that you chose, and the little bird!
