Thursday, April 24, 2008

ArtFest! Day 3

By the third day, I was exhausted. I was in a class with L.K. Ludwig, supposedly taking mica and wire mesh and found objects and image transfers and using them to create a wall hanging.

Did I mention we got to walk on the beach? And that it was really, really cold? And that I took a lot of pictures?

I played with the very cool techniques she showed us, and made a bunch of different little things, but not a wall hanging. Here's one of them - made with a copy of an older bird-on-the-beach photo, a feather, a rock, and some wire mesh:

And yet the thing I did in that class that I really felt the most excited about was this photo of beach gleanings, arranged on the windowsill in the classroom:

And - Yowza! In the "completely random" file, I got mentioned on the Italian Recycling Website, Re-Creazione !! Or at least, my recycled bike inner tube jewelry did - how cool is that?!

1 comment:

  1. that -is- a pretty picture. the wire mesh image transfer is an intriguing technique, though!

    congrats on being discovered by an italian audience!
