Sunday, February 3, 2008

Just a Few More Flags . . .

I know, I know . . . you thought that with the earlier post I was finally all done with the flags for the Flag Makeover Challenge . . .

Not so. I kept fiddling while the Sweetie and I watched Buffy the Vampire Slayer (we're working our way through all the seasons) and then I wanted to scan them and share them.

It all started because I really did like the "yin yang" balance idea, but I wasn't sure it was really flaggy enough.

This one came out well - again, green for mossy tree-filled land and blue for wondrous fresh and salt water; the salmon as representative of the history, the future, and the natural resources of our state; all held together by the golden swirl of coastline, of balance . . .

So, if one looks good, I thought, how about two? That's even more balanced . . .

Of course, I have the green representing land - maybe I need a mammal on the flag, too . . .

Hmmm . . . should the Beaver be on land? What if the green was on the other side?

Ah, yes. "What if?" and on-line Scrabble. Two things that will keep a girl awake on a work night.

Of course, as the Sweetie would say, why be ruled by the tyranny of the "or" when you can embrace the "and"?

M5K, check your in-box.

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